Feel unable to change an old pattern that you discovered a while back? Or that you can’t get to a core belief? Or are you noticing yourself avoiding meeting some uncomfortable emotions that you know needs to come out?
Ever wondered what a spiritual power journey is? And what the heck you do on one?
Do you know what one of the most fascinating things about taking the journey of deep inner change is?
What always got me to sit down and go within was the thought that meditation is a rebellious act. An anti-dote to a program of thoughts and beliefs running me. This is how it works and how you can rebel as well.
When our mind uses acceptance as ammunition against what we’re feeling or wanting, the whole idea of acceptance has gotten lost...
The root of our overwhelm is more often our own internal dialogue and reactions to an event than the event itself. The belief structure we’re carrying will frequently create so many internal reactions and protection mechanisms that we’re overwhelming ourselves with conflicting information and pressure about who we should be. The beliefs driving those reactions are what you need to look at to end the internal overwhelm for good.
The feminine and the masculine are some of the oldest archetypes and their dynamic is alive in all of us, beyond gender identification. If left unattended it’s easy to take on many of society’s unhealthy relating between the feminine and the masculine. When honored and nourished, they can bring a whole new level of aliveness and integrity. Learn how you can connect with and heal your own dynamic...
In this episode of the Uncover YOU podcast, I share about the surprising moment when I noticed a loving inner voice...
If Integrity is the goal of the self mastery journey – what exactly is integrity and what does aligning with it look like?
Self Mastery is an alchemical process of becoming, much more than mind-control. Becoming the YOU underneath the unconscious program of beliefs. Learning who you are, what you truly want and what integrity feels like. So that you can create a life that feels truly nourishing to your soul.
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