Inner-growth work at its core is simple, and yet so tricky. Mainly because we’re trying to understand a pattern and shift it, with the same program it was created with. As you can imagine, this is not a very effective way. The insights that we need seem to stay hidden just out of sight, while we run our hamster wheel.
So if you’ve been wondering why you haven’t been able to get to a certain belief or change a certain emotional reaction – don’t beat yourself up. Your ego-mind is brilliantly built in layers with labyrinths and its own protection mechanisms to stop you from going deeper into the maze. Once you know the way it seems obvious. A key that might have been missing for you, is understanding the motivation driving parts of yourself, and the unmet needs that are hidden underneath their protection strategies.
That’s why, in this episode of the Uncover YOU podcast, I share two insights into how parts of yourself are operating and the unmet needs underneath. So that you can understand and easily start to heal instead of running around in circles.
Listen to episode 40 here:
A summary of what we talk about in this episode:
- A brief explanation of Character Work and how it helps you understand your belief system
- Understanding the Protectors and the Exiles, and their motivation
- How our Protectors are acting out our survival response, and end up keeping the Exiles trapped
- Understanding the Unmet Need underneath the hurt – to unlock healing

Deepen your understanding of characters and what they are protecting
With a simple categorization of the parts of your ego-mind (called characters) you can more easily understand their motivation. When you’re able to see the unmet need underneath the protection strategies, you’ll be able to meet the original needs and heal the core wound of your patterns.
Come learn this, and more, in the New Levels of Mastery Workshop! You can join live or watch later