When we hear the term “survival state” it’s easy to associate it with life-threatening situations and trauma. But we’re in this state a lot more than we’re aware of...
Do you know what one of the most fascinating things about taking the journey of deep inner change is?
When our mind uses acceptance as ammunition against what we’re feeling or wanting, the whole idea of acceptance has gotten lost...
In this episode of the Uncover YOU podcast, I share about the surprising moment when I noticed a loving inner voice...
If Integrity is the goal of the self mastery journey – what exactly is integrity and what does aligning with it look like?
Self Mastery is an alchemical process of becoming, much more than mind-control. Becoming the YOU underneath the unconscious program of beliefs. Learning who you are, what you truly want and what integrity feels like. So that you can create a life that feels truly nourishing to your soul.
In this episode of the Uncover YOU podcast, I talk about the complexity of belief systems and what they are made of with my friend and fellow truth hunter Abby Ruston.
In this episode, Gary van Warmerdam and I continue our conversation and share stories about our own early Dreaming experiences and some simple things you can do to grow your own Dreaming skills.
In this episode, I paint the picture of a trusting relationship with your body and with feeling, and what superpowers that will bring you.
The Self Mastery work takes off in the understanding of how your mind works, how beliefs are formed and brings you into the observer of your thoughts and reactions. The real shifts won’t start happening until you truly get in touch with your emotions and learn how to feel them.
One of the common programs of the mind is to tell us that we’re failing, doing it wrong. Doing the self mastery work is no different. The mind seems to have a surprising amount of opinions on how we should be practicing and what results should look like...
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