We’ve all read the books and heard the stories about awakenings and enlightenment, but truly experiencing it for yourself and not through an idea in your mind, is a whole other deal.
Change your brainwave state and your thoughts and emotions will change. Learn how to move between brainwave states and you won’t feel like a prisoner in your stressful and anxious thoughts.
Building a new house while you take apart the old one is VERY helpful. Having something to move towards - what you want to feel and believe and experience - can be very grounding and calming for your nervous system as you’re uprooting your old house and making major changes to your inner world.
A key that might have been missing for you, is understanding the motivation driving parts of yourself, and the unmet needs that are hidden underneath their protection strategies.
When we hear the term “survival state” it’s easy to associate it with life-threatening situations and trauma. But we’re in this state a lot more than we’re aware of...
We’ve all heard our mind say things like “I feel like shit” or “I’m completely overwhelmed”. What often happens next is that we react to this statement like it’s true and a terrible thing that either needs to be fixed asap or something to feel hopeless and defeated about.
In this third episode in a series on Relationship Connection, Gary and I talk about the forgotten ingredient to connecting relationships, why it changes everything and how to practice it.
When a relationship has a good quality of connection - whether it’s in the relationship to your own mind, emotions and body, or in relationship with others - a door opens...
Many of us live in a survival state when it comes to our relationships, and we don’t even realize it. We’re being tumbled around in fight- or flight mode and end up feeling deeply disconnected, frustrated and confused when all we long for is deep, heartfelt connection.
Making investments with your time, attention and money is what will give you more of what you want. But if your relationship to these currencies is one of victimhood, you’re left with little to invest with.
A common thought while doing self-awareness work, or in other places in life, is “I’m stuck”. It’s a pretty vague metaphor that can mean many different things.
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