What to do when your partner or loved one is unwilling or unable to listen to your emotional experience? They might shut down, check out, or belittle what you share. Say that you’re making a big deal out of nothing, being dramatic, or should get over it. They might support you in doing the work – but do you have to talk so much about it with them?
In the past, you might have believed this to be true. But as you’re learning about the importance of feeling your emotions and allowing that in yourself – you’d like to be witnessed in your emotional depths. So it hurts when your partner is not willing to meet you there. You question if you’re doing it wrong and wonder how you can share in a way that works for them. Or you’re starting to see that it might be their problem and finding it problematic that they are unwilling to work on themselves.
Either way, it hurts. Being rejected this way touches a core wound that goes back to why you started to cover up and manage your emotions to begin with. So how do you continue doing the inner work and honor your desire to share your feelings with them – when they don’t want to? How do you move on in the relationship from here?
In this episode, we look at your half, your partner’s half, and three things to focus on when a partner or loved one gets stressed when you share your emotions.
Listen to ep 165 on Sharing your emotions…and getting dismissed:
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Check out these related episodes:
Ep164: A different look at anxious and avoidant attachment
Ep138: How to create emotional intimacy (when it hasn’t worked before)
Ep129: 4 signs of an immature relationship with emotions
Ep161: “Am I tolerating someone’s bad behavior by working on myself?”
Ep159: What about the other person’s half?