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The alchemical journey of becoming:

Next start: February 2025

Are you ready to embody the YOU underneath old wounds and reactive patterns?

You’ve been healing emotional wounds and shifting protective patterns that were running your life and ruining your relationships. The inner work is starting to change you. You have a new understanding of the world and yourself, and tools to alchemize your triggers. You feel more free and hopeful again.

At the same time, you’re invited into deeper layers of yourself. You might feel more intense emotions than ever before. Your mind is somewhat confused about who you are and how to navigate the world without the old protection mechanisms. There are things you never had modeled – setting boundaries with love, feeling safe being vulnerable, trusting and leaning into life, expressing your needs, and simply being unapologetically you. While also having loving and wildly satisfying relationships with other humans!

This means you’ve reached a very potent place on your journey.

The time to build a new house. You’ve been busy taking apart an old belief system built out of fear and protection. You’ve been re-parenting yourself and meeting childhood needs.

But what about your adolescent and early adult years? The time to find your unique expression, power, and passion. The time to learn to challenge yourself as well as surrender to life. The time to mature in relationships and sex.

Most of us were domesticated through this phase in a not-so-helpful way. We got busy getting people to like us, decided to hide from the world, or escaped it through rebellion or distractions. 

It’s time to undo and re-claim your becoming.

Let’s build you new house. A home in yourself based on love instead of fear and protection. Full of trust, power, radiance, authenticity and appetite for life. A love-making with your unique expression of life.

So if you feel like you’ve started to heal your wounds, KNOW all the stuff about inner growth, but still miss feeling fully alive and turning spiritual concepts into embodied living and relating…

BEING ME is for you.

"No exaggeration, my entire life has changed. I have never been more excited to live than I am right now."
Rufaro R
"It’s a course that will definitely bring a change in you, and in a short time. Whatever you choose to address, it will be taken care of. You will make the effort but it will be enjoyable, exciting and interesting! The change in everyone is noticeable, how others and I have evolved. It’s really a miracle."
Primož S
"I've tried a lot of books, meetings and programs, but this touched me and reached me and got results that weren't possible elsewhere."
Irene B
"I got in contact with the power of saying NO and voicing what I want. I’m feeling what I want to do and it has given me way more energy."
Eric H
"Literally changed my life! I again (after soooo many years) have the joy and life force for co-creating the life I want! I understand my soul and nature, and have the framework on how my ego-mind work. As a result of those, my inner dancing girl no longer feels lonely and lost. She loves herself deeply and takes care all of her parts and her human body."
Bashak U
"This is the most important work you will EVER have the opportunity of doing. It is literally your salvation”
Nina H
"Instead of looking outside of myself for the answer, or even up in my mind, I’m able to feel in my body for the answers. You can’t put a dollar amount on what this program has brought to me. You are so masterful in coaching people."
Shannon M

A group coaching experience that activates self-love, embodied relating and a turned-on way of living.

with monthly themes, weekly practices, and weekly live calls
open once/year, next round starts in February
Choose the 5- or 10-month journey:

Being me

february - june 2025

Being me

with you

august - november 2025

A waitlist with perks and instant access to exclusive material!

get on the waitlist and receive:

Hi, I'm Eva

The Self Mastery work was what finally shifted my life after years of therapy, stress management, mindfulness and a feeling of hopelessness. I didn’t stop after I shifted some of my most uncomfortable beliefs but kept going and changed my internal world from a state of depression, PTSD and panic attacks to joy, peace and excitement about life. And a brain and heart in coherence.

I started combining the Self Mastery work with meditation, somatic experiencing and other practices which accelerated the progress. I learned how to create from intent and went on a personal quest to get in touch with what I wanted. I learned how to activate power through pleasure, and how everything I was taught about having to work hard to get what I want is a lie.

Today, I’ve helped hundreds of clients to change reactive patterns, heal wounds and move past conditioning so they can have the life and relationships they want. I teach retreats and workshops around the world and lead online programs. I’m the founder of the Embodied Self Mastery Community. You can hear me on the Uncover YOU podcast.

I want similar changes for you as I have experienced. I want you to feel turned on about your life creation and what it feels like to love yourself completely and align with life, and have relationships from there. I can’t wait to guide you through some of the most powerful activations I’ve practiced and fine-tuned.

/Eva Beronius


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