Do you know what one of the most fascinating things about taking the journey of deep inner change is? That you’re not the same as you were five years or even five months ago. The beliefs that were driving your thoughts and behaviors back then aren’t there anymore. So you think different thoughts. You react differently. And most of all you feel differently about yourself and life.
As you’re becoming less of your old conditioning you become more of YOU. Freer in your different expressions. Freer to learn and make decisions from love rather than fear. Life itself can breathe you and move through you.
In your becoming it’s sometimes hard to remember back to that old version of you that lived from suffering and lack. That’s why, in this episode of the Uncover YOU podcast, Tami asks questions about where I was before I started and about breakthroughs and obstacles I experienced during my first years.
Thanks to everyone in the community who posted questions for this. We’ll be back with PART 2 for the questions we didn’t get to.