As you’re taking apart the old house of conditioning and reactive patterns, it’s a good idea to build the new house simultaneously. It gives you a new home to land in as the old one is crumbling.
Building the new house is: Practice embodying what you want more of in your life. If you want more love – are you treating all of yourself in a loving way? If you want clear communication and honesty – are you creating space for it? If you want goodness – can you hold it or do you push it away when it shows up?
Chances are that this wasn’t modeled to you. It makes sense if you don’t know how. Yet. So let’s talk about it!
In this New House Series on the podcast, I’ll share what you need to know to build your new house. In the first episode, we look at what to focus on to feel more like yourself around others.
If you feel drained, like a fraud, isolated and not like yourself in social settings and relationships (and tend to dread and avoid them) – this episode will show you 3 things to practice as you’re building your new house.
So you can feel authentic, nourished and yourself around others!
Listen to ep 146 on 3 things to help you be yourself around others:
Join the waitlist for Being Me – the next round starts in August.
Check out these related episodes:
Ep144: Use your complaining to find your desires
Ep116: What I want: From Integrity or Ego?
Ep114: What is Turn-On?
Ep145: Why we lie in relationships
Ep109: The four pillars to shift patterns and heal wounds