Understanding brainwave states and how they are related to different states of consciousness made a big lightbulb go on for me. The survival state with its looping thoughts and feeling stuck can be clearly measured as a brainwave state. As can the state of feeling at peace and present with yourself and the world around you. With each of your internal states the frequency of the pulses between the neurons in your brain changes.
The brilliant thing is that it goes in the other direction as well. Change your brainwave state and your thoughts and emotions will change. Learn how to move between brainwave states and you won’t feel like a prisoner in your stressful and anxious thoughts. Access new brainwave states and new expansive states of consciousness will become available to you.
In this episode of the Uncover YOU podcast, I give you an overview of how the different brainwave states are connected to different states of consciousness, how you can shift your brainwave state and how this will help you heal and expand.
Listen to episode 43, on the less talked about effects of shifting your brainwave state:
A summary of what we talk about in this episode:
- The different brainwave states and how they’re connected to states of consciousness
- How the high-beta brainwave state is an automated loop of thoughts
- Three less talked about effects:
- A state of inspiration
- Greater access to your unconscious mind
- Connect with a state of love, to bring healing and expansion to parts of you
- Ways to shift your brainwave state