You were brought into this world through sex and you are a sexual being. Yet, you often form a relationship with your sexuality that is filled with shame and anxiety or treat it as a service to others rather than a force that are your own to experience. When you cut yourself off from your sexuality, or use it in a wounded way that lacks integrity, you have lost a potent source of life force. You most likely feel drained of energy and aliveness. Healing and embracing your sexuality in a new way might very well be the piece you’ve been missing.
In this episode of the Uncover YOU podcast, I talk to Erika Alsborn, sex- and birth coach, about the somewhat indescribable magic that happens when you experience a sexual awakening.
Listen to episode 61, on Embracing sexuality for pleasure and aliveness, with Erika Alsborn:
A summary of what we talk about in this episode:
- Erika’s own journey to sexual awakening and becoming a sex coach
- Sexuality as the missing piece to feeling good
- We are sexual beings, yet as a society, we deny or distort sexuality
- Giving birth as an empowered experience
- Sexuality as your own force to experience – not a service to others
- What it might take to heal an old relationship with sexuality
- The benefits and magic of awakening sexually
- What Erika will be bringing inside of Being Me

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