In my work with private clients and especially inside my group program Being Me, I use polarity work (the dance between the feminine and masculine energies) as a way to grow your capacity to feel. Because when you grow your capacity to feel you’re more deeply connected with life and what you want, beneath the ego-mind. When you’re more connected with what you truly want, you open a door to being your full authentic self in connection with all of life.
On a relationship level, you’ll be able to heal old patterns you might have given up on changing. On a more spiritual level, connecting with your mature feminine so that she can receive more of the mature masculine will open you up to consciousness on the innermost level. A permeation of truth in every atom of your being. It’s a feeling of making love to all of life and letting life guide you.
In this episode of the Uncover YOU podcast, I continue my conversation with Rosko Blake from a year ago, about the embodiment of feminine and masculine energies and how you can’t know before you try.
Rosko is a mentor and teacher in purpose, leadership, relational physics, and sexual mastery, and his work revolves around deepening masculine presence through embodied physicality. He is a guest teacher in my 8-month program Being Me, guiding the men into masculine embodiment and healing sexuality, as well as hanging out with the whole group and answering questions.
During the whole 8 months of Being Me, you’ll be guided into deep healing and a new embodiment of your inner feminine and masculine dynamic, whatever gender you identify as. I want for you to marvel at what is possible and feel like the person you’ve always known you truly are. We’re starting on September 11 and you can join us in Being Me here.
Listen to episode 62, on Embodying feminine and masculine energies, with Rosko Blake:
If you’re looking to understand the foundation of the feminine and masculine dynamic, watch the 12-min video below. It’s from the weeklong training Feeling Me where I covered the basics of healing your feminine and masculine dynamics so that you can start feeling safe feeling your deepest emotions.
Watch it to learn about the deepest fears and desires of your inner feminine and masculine, and what a mature dynamic between them could look like.
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