This is the bomb. (No exaggeration.) When you go from looking at your relationship patterns as something wrong or “not healed yet”, to realizing them as the journey you’re here to take, everything changes.
Not only will they finally start shifting, but you’re much closer to the truth. That your challenges are here to initiate you into more love, if you’re willing. So are you ready to take on the journey your soul is here for? To step into your power, just like Luke Skywalker, Moana and Harry Potter before you?
Or will you stay victimized and small?
In this week’s episode, I invite you to step into your own hero’s/heroine’s journey. I give you the overview of the shift in perspective. Then, in the coming episodes, we’ll look at how to alchemize some of the most painful experiences in relationships. Separation, loss, grief, rejection, not being desired, facing your demons, self-sabotage – bring it.