Do you end up spending more time researching and looking for guidance, rather than actually doing the work that will heal and shift your inner world? Have you done inner work but are not sure if you’re really getting to the core of it? Or end up feeling defeated and frustrated when you’re not getting similar results that others seem to be having?
Then I invite you to explore the four pillars of the Embodied Self Mastery™ work. They bring you into being, doing, and feeling, rather than analyzing and trying to figure out what you’re missing. When you apply them, they will heal core wounds and shift any pattern at the root. They go deep, past layers of conditioning and into the experience of what you truly are.
This week’s episode outlines the pillars and the most common places to get stuck with each one. So that you can navigate past obstacles, heal and enjoy the rest of your life from a place that you enjoy.
Want to apply, practice, and master the four pillars of inner alchemy with me? Join me in ALCHEMY