Dreaming is a word you might have heard me use in different situations. I talk about personal dreams and collective dreams. I talk about waking dreams and conscious dreaming. I will ask you what dream is dreaming you if you’re one of my clients. But what exactly do I mean by a Dream?
In episode 1 I gave an overview of the Self Mastery Journey of moving from the Victim, to the Hunter, to the Dreamer and into the Artist of your life. In this episode Gary van Warmerdam and I have a conversation about Dreaming where we give a deeper focus to Dreaming and the process of moving from the unconscious to the conscious Dreamer.
Listen to episode 16, and see if you feel intrigued to practice your Dreaming skills, here:
A short summary of what we discuss in the episode:
What is Dreaming?
We are dreaming all the time. That’s how we experience ourselves, other people, and the world around us.
There are nighttime dreams where we know we are sleeping and dreaming (often not until after we wake up) where the rules of the world we know don’t fully apply. The frame of time, gravity, and other foundations we know from our daytime lives are out of balance and we consider this a dream, not reality.
In our daytime, we have a framework that most of us agree on. Colors, smells, that a rock falls down from the hand and not up, that summer follows spring, that we get older and not younger with time, that the Earth circles the Sun… These collectively experienced and agreed upon foundations set the frame for the dream of the planet. We call this reality.
Then there are the unconscious beliefs and agreements in our mind that set the frame for how we experience that reality. The personal dream you’re operating in. It decides how you see the world and yourself and what you believe yourself good at or incapable of.
The big question is: Are you aware that you are dreaming? Or is the dream of your unconscious beliefs dreaming you?
Becoming the Conscious Dreamer
When you wake up in your dream and realize that your mind is dreaming you, you also hold in your hand the choice to become the conscious dreamer. To take apart the beliefs that have been directing your decisions and reactions to life and see what is left when they have fallen away.
When you learn to step outside of one program of your mind you can step out of more programs. Now you’re dreaming in new ways, dreaming new dreams.
When you have practiced this for a while you might realize that you are not the mind at all, and you start practicing dreaming outside the thinking mind altogether. When you start experiencing yourself as consciousness, your dreaming skills can grow. You can dream the consciousness of others, of places, of the heart, of the body, of pain, of love, of Christ, of the Buddha.
Creating a personal dream that is bigger than yourself, bigger than your mind.
If you’re curious about practicing your Dreaming skills and experience yourself outside your thinking mind, I’m opening the doors to my online dreaming journey Beyond the Mind on May 3rd. Doors will only stay open for a week before we set out on our 20-week journey together. You’ll learn the skills of dreaming with powerful meditation practices. To experience yourself beyond your mind, at the core of you. With your heart, with your body, and with yourself as consciousness.

Join Beyond the Mind
Learn the skills to connect with yourself as consciousness, while using the minds resistance as your teacher. A Dreaming Journey over 20 weeks.
Doors open May 3-10
Read more here