As you’ve heard me mention lately, winter can be a great season for letting go. But how do you know if you’re truly ready to let go of something or if other phases of the process are needed first? If we’re trying to simply let go or even more commonly, get rid of, without acknowledging and accepting the hurt or anger connected with the pattern, it will likely just cling harder.
Even when we have acknowledged and released a lot of emotions around this pattern, it can STILL feel sticky and almost impossible to let go of. That’s when we need to go look for shadow attachments to this pattern. Meaning, shadow parts that have their own reason for keeping the pattern in place, that has stayed out of sight.
Letting go is a process. But when the attachments to the pattern have been released, letting go becomes a non-doing and instead a natural allowing.
In this session, Tina’s finding a story of lack that her feminine has been holding on to, even if it’s not necessarily true anymore. Tina realizes that this belief of her young inner feminine, is keeping her in an experience of the world that feels isolated and lonely. We explore what her feminine needs to let go of this version of herself and mature in a way that serves her better.
We also poke holes in fears that Tina’s mind has around her physical body’s capacity to feel.
Listen to it here:

Join the Death/Rebirth process in BEING ME as self-study
If letting go and dying is an important skill when being the Artist of your life... a natural next question is “How do I do that?”.
For the first time, I'm offering parts of the Being Me journey as self-study. If you couldn't make the investment of time, attention or money for the full program, this is your chance to get the valuable insights and practices that unlock the door to a fully embodied self.
Read more and register here