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Intro and staying with what’s here – Live Coaching #1 with Tina


Intro and staying with what’s here – Live Coaching #1 with Tina

28 September 2022

When you’ve been deeply identified with your mind, you tend to think about doing the work and the mind interprets that as doing the work. If you’re thinking about inner work a lot, the mind thinks you’re doing a lot of work on yourself, while you actually haven’t done what’s needed to make an impact on your inner world. Bringing awareness to your patterns is great, but the actual shift won’t happen in the mind. They will happen deeper in your system by releasing stored emotions, accessing your unconscious and relating to your self with acceptance and presence.

Then what is it that you’re supposed to do to make the shifts you long for? You can find several resources for that here in the blog and the podcast (and of course in my online trainings), but for the coming few months, I thought I’d show you in a new way. In this week’s episode of the Uncover YOU podcast, you get to meet Tina who I’ll be coaching for the coming few months, and you get to listen and follow along on her journey.

Tina has done quite a bit of work and is enjoying herself and the life she’s creating. But she’s also wondering if there’s more. More of her, more love, more freedom, more self-expression from integrity. So that’s what we’ll explore together, by meeting with the parts that have been in the way of her true sense of self.

You get to hear the ups and downs, the breakthroughs and the resistance, the learning of new skills to be able to shift out of the head and into the body, and more. My hope is that you get a better idea of what taking the journey into your true conscious self, underneath the old programming, might mean. That you get inspiration and aha’s that are meaningful for your own process.

This is a completely new exploration for both Tina and me, and we feel excited to share this journey with you. Ready? Let’s get to know Tina in our first session where we focus on staying with feeling in the body.

Listen to episode 65, Intro and staying with what’s here - Live Coaching #1 with Tina:

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