Have you noticed that even if it’s become easier for you to drop into your body, feel yourself and navigate from your yes and your no – it gets a lot more challenging with other people around? We have been conditioned to have our attention not just in our heads, but also on the external world. On how others are feeling and if they are happy with us. How they see us and if we’re approved of.
The next step on your journey at this point is to practice staying with your attention in your body, to feel your inner world respond to the world around you. To begin with, it will be a lot easier if you do so with people and situations that feel less charged. Which will grow your capacity to do so in the closest, more activating relationships.
In session #9 with Tina, she’s been noticing how she feels pulled out of her body around others and how it gives her a sense of abandoning herself. Which is a reason for the protector parts to not trust her fully yet.