Imagine having a big reaction every time you feel cold. When your body starts shivering, there’s embarrassment and shame about it. Feeling like a bad person for reacting this way and that you should be able to do it differently.
Sounds bananas? Well, this is how many of us relate to our emotional reactions. There’s the situation that activates something in us – and the stories we’ve been told about feeling and reacting the way we do. Most of these stories are a bunch of lies, and when you believe in them, you’re believing lies.
Here’s the tricky part: The relationship you have with your reactions affects your ability to shift them. When you change the relationship from shame to compassion, your reactions can start to change.
In this episode, I give you 3 alternative stories about your reactive patterns instead of the shame, fear, and lies. I call them truths because in my experience they are. But I don’t need you to believe in them.
I’m inviting you to try them on to see if they: a) simply feel better than your previous stories and b) give you more freedom and capacity to shift them.
Listen to ep 137 on 3 comforting truths about your relationship reactions:
If you’re looking to heal your reactive relationship patterns at the core, don’t miss my free training: