Ever felt stuck in HOW to bring healing to your inner child and that something around the wound is resisting change? Like you’re standing with one foot outside of the old belief system but one foot is still stuck in the mud?
It can be fairly easy to find your hurt inner child and some of the protection mechanisms around that wound. At this point, it’s going to be helpful to connect with this inner part of you and tend to its unmet needs. But what if it doesn’t feel safe to do so? Or if other parts are resisting this change or don’t trust you to make it? Or if YOU don’t trust yourself!
That’s when we need to address the whole ecosystem and not try and override what you’re experiencing. Because truth is: when your protector parts don’t trust you to take over the inner leadership it’s because they are partly right.
Their mistrust and skepticism often mean that you’re relating with them from another part of your ego mind – and they can sniff that out. From miles away they can smell that there’s another part present, with an agenda, opinions and projections on to the situation.
In session #8 with Tina, she meets with a protector part that doesn’t trust her. When she stays present and inquires, she discovers two other parts that have been hiding in her unconscious.