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From reactive in relationships to healed, grounded and

excited to be you

Finally shift your reactive patterns so you can show up the way you want in relationships - owning your half, feeling more power and clarity than ever and leading from love instead of fear and protection

Take my FREE training:

From wounded and reactive to peaceful and safe in relationships

The 3 Keys no one told you about

Coming up

a text logo with the words embodied self mastery

a life in celebration of life itself

If you’re looking for a way to manage your thoughts and emotions on  surface level – this is not the place. This work guides you into an alchemical process of becoming. A journey from conditioning into a life of integrity, from stuck in your mind into your body. Living from the heart where your shadow and your light can merge.

In the process, your thinking, reactions and beliefs will change. Stored emotions will clear. Old wounds will heal. Stubborn patterns will dissolve. In its place: the priceless feeling of living your true and turned-on life.

Embodied Self Mastery is the dedication to the most splendid masterpiece of all – yourself. An alchemical process of dissolving the ego and aligning with integrity.

From the blog

09 October 2024

“Am I tolerating someone’s bad behavior by working on myself?”

I answer a question from a listener who easily feels abandoned. The relationship she is in easily inflames that wound, and she wonders, “What is valid to be upset about?”

02 October 2024

Embodied – why, how and the pitfalls

All the emotions you’ve been suppressing, the pain or grief when you thought you were okay, the desires and boundaries you needed to disconnect with to stay safe, the rage you never allowed yourself to feel - are now here to be embraced by your loving arms.

25 September 2024

What about the other person’s half?

Are you the only one who should do all the healing and changing - or could you expect a little willingness to work on the relationship from them?

18 September 2024

Gaslighting and not feeling heard

If you’ve ever been made wrong for what you’re feeling, felt like too much, or been told that you’re overreacting - by someone else or a voice in your head - this episode is for you.

11 September 2024

When to stay and when to go

After years of conditioning, it’s easy to question our compass on when to stay and when to leave in a relationship.

04 September 2024

Letting go – when parts don’t want to

“How do I let go, while giving love and attention to the part of me that can’t accept that it’s over?”

the logotype for the embodied self mastery community

Even with our inner work, we tend to get stuck in our heads. You KNOW all the stuff, have taken the courses, and read the books. But it seems hard to drop into your body and LIVE it.

The Embodied Self Mastery Community is the home of my work. Which moves you from your head into your body and nervous system, in connection with Life itself. Into a felt sense of the Embodied Artist.

Join us for conversations, connections, practices, and programs.

Hi there, I'm Eva

Years ago, I was trapped in a state of PTSD and anxiety, suffering from symptoms like panic attacks, depression, and trust-issues. It was out of necessity that I found the connection between mind-body-emotions and discovered how to access change by bypassing the rational mind.

Today, I’m living a turned-on life from a sense of wholeness my old self could never have imagined. Teaching my process through programs, retreats, and with individual clients around the world. I’m a supporter of your personal freedom. Not in trivial things that are constantly directing your attention away from you. But in the things that matter – how you feel, think and operate.

I believe one of the most important pieces to healing is connection – with yourself, with others and with life itself – and my coaching is signified by presence, non-judgement, compassion and truth.

While I currently live in Stockholm, Sweden, I help clients around the world through my online programs.

Let’s get started.

Let me keep you up to date on what is happening on this quest. I will send you emails with articles that will help you along and let you know when I’ve got new trainings running.


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