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17 July 2024

From lack to abundance – having money to invest in growth

Let’s play. I want you to have the money needed to invest in what matters - your growth, healing and the life you want to live. Not just utilities, the musts and shoulds, and the distractions. Without knowing it, you’re probably standing in your own way of that.

03 July 2024

Holding Goodness in Relationships part 2

If you’re constantly looking for problems to fix - that’s what you’re handed. If you keep trying to fix yourself and taking things apart - that’s what you’ll get good at.

26 June 2024

Holding Goodness in Relationships part 1

Maybe you got used to managing on your own - but how will you open up to receive? Maybe all you long for is loving attention - but the way you learned to receive it is by feeling miserable.


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