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Instant access to 5+ hours of recordings

alchemizes your most persistent patterns - by fiercely loving what's been rejected

with Eva Beronius

for you to be happier and at peace - your patterns are not what needs to change

Let's look at the common misconception that keeps you stuck

LOVE ALSO THIS - branding

Many of my clients (and myself when I started) have an idea that the happiness, the magnificent life they long for, is on the other side of the inner patterns they are experiencing.

Reactions like social anxiety, freeze, and avoidance.
Behaviors like people-pleasing, procrastination, and controlling.
Emotions like anger, hopelessness, and jealousy.

Fixing these patterns are often why they show up to do inner work.

While it’s completely valid to want to shift them – you long for a freer expression, more happiness, and better relationships…

…and your heart knows that they are not your true self but stem from emotional wounds, conditioning, and unconscious protection strategies…

…it’s easy to point the finger at these inconvenient parts of your personality, while not paying attention to where you are pointing FROM.

the rejection of the pattern creates your experience, far more than the pattern itself...

How you’re relating to certain parts of yourself, holds the key to long-term change. It sets the tone for your inner experience far more than the patterns you THINK are the problem.

Maybe there is a silent shame and denial of your reaction. Maybe you’re fully aware of the chaos you’re creating and openly HATE this part of yourself. 

Also, going along with, and believing the stories these patterns come with, is another way of relating to them that keeps them stuck.

When you learn to LOVE ALSO THIS, is when you truly prepare the soil for lasting change. To do this you need to dream a different dream and embody love when you meet the parts of yourself.

Et voilá:

While practicing this, you’ve created an inner environment to thrive in, almost without noticing. Which will deeply transform your experience of life.

LOVE ALSO THIS - branding + cover pics (2)

If you want to shift old behavioral patterns and emotional wounds and experience silence where there used to be loud reactions…

come join me for this 2-day training

The Episodes

In this podcast series, we bring awareness and understanding to some of our most rejected patterns. You get to look at how they’ve been treated and the consequences of that. 

Listen to the episodes below, or on , , , or any of your other favorite podcast apps.

About the podcast

The Uncover YOU podcast guides you deeper on your personal transformation journey. Past obstacles and stories, and closer to the core of YOU – a life from integrity beneath the layers of conditioning. Your host is Eva Beronius, embodied self mastery and transformational teacher.

See all episodes of this podcast

In this workshop, you’ll take loving your rejected parts from an idea into an embodied practice. You get to explore, fumble, meet with any resistance, and grow from the obstacles. A beautiful opportunity to do deep dreaming and embodiment work together with me, for a very affordable investment.

Join us live or watch the recording after!

— session 1 —

Embodied practice: how to meet yourself with love

HOW TO in a non-fluffy way. You’ll get practical examples and get to try them out, ask questions, and be guided past obstacles.

— session 2 —

specific patterns, questions and conversations

We follow up on your experience after trying the practices out. Get guidance on specific patterns and obstacles.

— Also —

"Eva, it was more amazing than my mind could ever imagine. Like amazing! How I’ve been living my life makes so much more sense now. I don’t event know how to thank you!"
Başak U
"Emotions that I’ve long judged for having, or thought I would die from feeling, were met with love, and acceptance. I was able to move them through my body and release. This has been such a gift."
Lauren B
"I can relax with myself now and feel doors opening inside in ways I can't really explain. 💗🙏"
Christina SL

reserve your spot

Instant access to 5+ hours of deep process and answers to your questions

A don't miss if you...

register here

👉 If you’re NOT YET a member of the Embodied Community:

👉 If you ALREADY ARE a member of the Embodied Community:

"This was amazing! You are incredible! I am extremely grateful for your detail in sharing your experience, your knowledge & the resources you provide us with."
Christie J

Common Questions

This is a recording of a 2-day workshop from 2023 that made a huge impact on the members. You’ll get the recordings so you can move through the workshop process on your own, but have the community with access to other members and me for questions, conversations and support.

No, you don’t have to do anything. I trust you to do what’s most supportive for you. In this workshop, you’ll mostly be practicing on your own, but you might be invited to join in conversations and sharing about your experience.

Remember, it WILL be uncomfortable to be open and honest in front of others in the beginning. This is a reflection of how you’ve been treated by others and how parts of yourself have been treated by you. Practicing something different is going to accelerate the change you’re longing for.

To get the most out of this training – listen to the podcast episodes listed above and answer the questions I ask you in the workbook, before the training.

The episodes  are also available inside our training group.

It’s suitable for all levels but is going to require some basic knowledge in shifting your attention and un-identifying with your parts. If this is your first time trying things like that out – be patient with yourself.

If you’ve done a lot of work this might very well be the key that’s been missing to shift some of your more persistent patterns. This will deeply shift your perspective on how to “do” inner work.

It’s both. :) If you want to listen to the free episodes in the podcast and do your own practice with them, do so. If you want to listen and then have the steps broken down and guided by me, and fumble, practice and ask me questions… Then come join the training!

I wanted to make it as available as possible in different formats and we need to hear this again and again, in different ways.

"I went for a walk in the park today after your class and I looked up to the sky. I saw the clouds passing by and was in utter amazement. All of those beliefs, emotions, bodily sensations and thoughts just floating by. Thank you for this gift!"
Cindy CW

Hi, I'm Eva

I started my own journey with Self Mastery work several years ago, after I’d tried different forms of therapy without getting the results I wanted. I soon started combining the Self Mastery work with meditation, somatic experiencing, and other practices which accelerated the progress and changed my life completely. From a state of depression, PTSD, and panic attacks – to joy, peace, excitement about life, and a brain in coherence.

Today, I’ve helped hundreds of clients to change their limiting beliefs, heal wounds and move past conditioning so they can live the life they want. I teach retreats and workshops around the world and lead online programs. I’m the founder of the online meditation course Beyond the Mind, the group program Being Me, and founder of the Embodied Self Mastery Community. You can hear me in the Uncover YOU podcast.


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