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The recording

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Available for another:


In this session:

  • Soul journey 60 min
  • Sharings and conversations 30 min

Ready to let go of certain aspects of you?

You can join the Death/Rebirth process until January 1

Ready to become more of what you’re here to be?

Check out the Calling – a women’s power journey in Spain, May 2024

Eva Beronius

Has guided hundreds of clients to change their limiting beliefs, heal wounds and move past conditioning so they can live the life they want.

She teaches retreats and workshops around the world and leads online programs. The founder of the Embodied Self Mastery Community and host of the Uncover YOU podcast.

Hakan Vreskala

Hakan Vreskala is a percussion player and a singer trying to share his pulse. Searching the methods of not only playing but being the beat itself.


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