One of the most common ways I see us lie to others (and ourselves) – is when we give an answer when the answer really is “I don’t know”. Not knowing is often a blow to the ego mind. It will automatically try to give a reason, an opinion, an explanation.
Then again, sometimes we hide behind a “I don’t know – leave me alone”, when the honest answer is: “I’m in a survival response, feel cornered, and need an hour to find out what’s going on before I can have a conversation with you.”
Real honesty is brutal to the ego mind. Honesty requires you to drop into your body and get present. To really find out what’s going on. What we usually might dress up as honesty often isn’t. You need to get curious and be willing to not know the answer yet.
When you do, you become a safer place for all aspects of yourself, and people around you will start feeling safe to share all aspects of themselves as well.
In this week’s episode, we look at real honesty and how to practice it (with ourselves and others). Not because we owe it to someone or to be “good people”, but because holding the truth in is an epidemic that suffocates aliveness.